Wednesday, May 17, 2006

i hate waiting

Mary Beth Maziarz

Lately I've been watching my life
play like it's a movie
And I'm feeling kind of lonely
but I've been burned before

And so I've earned this thoughtful type
I wish I were so strong and right
But sometimes I just think that I'm afraid

And waiting for a sign
always waiting for the right time
Hoping that I haven't wasted too much time
waiting for a sign

How have all these centuries of people grabbed their destinies
It seems like that everybody else
is so much better than I am
at taking hold of things that matter,
dealing what happends after

But me,
I'm keeping guard,
just safe and sound

* * *

it's a sunshiny day today. so far, at least. but given the previous days' events, i'm guessing it will rain hard again later in the afternoon. i'm betting on a drizzle at the very least.. but i'm kinda hoping for a downpour, hehe :p

of course, i could be wrong about the weather. nevertheless, i'm keeping my fingers crossed. i'm still wishing for the rain to fall. *sigh* i just don't like waiting too much..

* * *

23.04H (room)

hahaha. so my rainwishes still do come true :p and they were granted earlier than i expected. hmmm. i like my cookie's fortune for me tonight. hahahaha.

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