Friday, May 05, 2006


for the past days i've barely been sleeping. well, not in the *normal* sense, at least. i know i turn in earlier (nowadays i'm already in bed by 11pm) and get up much later than usual (think 9.30am). but i don't really get enough rest. the slightest sound wakes me up.. and my mind continues to think and analyze even in sleep. i can't get it to shut down even for a few hours. great.

i don't want to fret anymore. and i don't want to second-guess. i just want to live each day.. content with whatever life brings. i don't want to have any expectations. i don't even want to have hope. not if it means being disappointed over and over again.

hey sam.. if you're reading this, don't worry. i'll be back. i just need a hiatus from life. my life, at least

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