Saturday, May 27, 2006

go fish!

i missed choir prax today. and yeah, i know that there are soooooo many songs left to practice and all.. but hey.. it's just right that i spend time with my *real* family too :p

it's a post-mother's day celebration for the velasquez "clan" (haha.. right. if you can call us that - four of us cousins, my parents, my ninang/tito lui, and my tito joe/tita amy - what a "clan" haha). we went to "isdaan" in tarlac. we just thought it would be a good idea to go to a different place this year :)

well, cousin domz and i had a blast (of course, cousins ta & gabo enjoyed, as well). the food was ok (grabe, tataba na naman ako nito eh!!!).. and the place was great - lots of fun stuff to try out that are not available here in qc.

domz crossed the bridge-cum-obstacle course thingy.. and won a kilo of fish for his efforts :p the kids rode a cart drawn by a small goat (or was that sheep?!) we even tried throwing plates at the "tacsiyapo" wall :p haha. that was a great stress-reliever (i inadvertently hit the sign that said "lover/fling" ahahahahahaha) it would have been perfect.. if only the sun weren't so darned hot :(

from "isdaan" we went to visit a sick relative.. and renewed ties with other cousins (second cousins, actually). domz played the piano and i sang a bit. oh.. and cousins ta & gabo went with me across the street to buy some chichirya from a sari-sari store. haha. that was fun.

we headed home around 6pm. we stopped over first at vilmar's to grab a quick supper. thankfully, it was no longer hot (oh, my rain wish was granted once again - though a bit belatedly, hehe. i guess my patience is being tested once more). i dozed off a bit on the way home.. with my trusty zen micro playing mp3's to lull me to sleep.

well. it's been quite a day. i'm tired but really happy :) happy, happy, happy. aaahhhhhh. i love my life right now.. :p

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