Monday, January 16, 2006

nothing but exams

hahaha. i am currently thinking of questions for the periodic exams in math 10 and geometry. and i'm in a *good* mood. hahaha. students beware! you know what *that* means.. >:)

i'm making the tests and chatting with online students at the same time. and no.. i am NOT giving out hints or leaks to the tests. hahaha. i just sort of enjoy 'torturing' the precious kids with the thought that i am currently enjoying my exam-writing. hahahaha.

i don't know why.. but i can't seem to just do *one* thing at a time. i always have to do two or more things simultaneously. otherwise i sort of get bored. so i text/read books while at practice.. write notes while observing my ST.. listen to my mp3 player while writing lesson plans.. and chat while making exams. har har. not to mention updating my blog no matter what else i'm doing. hahaha. me and my overly-used, multitasking brain :p

oh well. gotta get back to those tests. hehehe. look out kids.. the fun is just starting.. >:)

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