Friday, January 13, 2006

just another (friday the 13th) day

hehehe. it's friday the 13th today :p hmm. come to think of it, it really is just another day. nothing extraordinarily creepy/unlucky/eerie/scary about days like this. it's supposed to be just as 'special' as saturday the 14th or thursday the 5th. but still.. hehe, i dunno.. just knowing that it's friday the 13th makes me feel that something different is gonna happen today :p

well, different isn't always bad, anyway. i've always had this affinity for the weird or the eerie :p ok, ok.. so it's not just an affinity. more like a.. er.. 'natural attraction' for such things/people, haha :) hmm. i wonder what's gonna happen later. i sure hope it's something i like. i could *definitely* use a 'cheer-upper' today. *sigh*

i made this list of 13 wishes for friday the 13th for my choirmates today. hehe. thought i'd include it here in my post. no sense waiting for my 'cheer-upper'.. might as well try to cheer myself up :p

* may you receive 13 good emails
* may you be able to master 13 songs (for future quartets hehe)
* may you find 13 reasons to smile
* may 13 people remember you with fondness
* may your riches increase 13-fold..
* ..and your generosity increase 13-fold as well
* may the Lord give you 13 small but special blessings..
* ..and your gratefulness to Him increase 13x
* may you find 13 joys for every sorrow..
* ..13 rays of hope for every fear..
* ..and 13 friends for every enemy
* may you do 13 acts of kindness..
* ..and may they all be repaid within 13 days (hehe)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

boring ng blog mo.joke.=p