Thursday, March 29, 2007

hair-pulling news only from the RP

i rarely watch the news. and i rarely tune in to the local channels. usually, i just watch cartoons (nicktoons!!), tv series (grey's! house! csi!) and discovery channel (go mythbusters!). this morning, though, cousin doms texted me and told me to listen to the news. out of curiosity, i did. and i suddenly remembered why i purposely avoid watching the local news.

a busload of kids were supposed to go on a field trip to tagaytay. but instead, their school's benefactor decided to take them hostage because (can you believe this?!) he wanted to say his piece against corruption in government, particularly in the misuse of funds for education. this guy (ducat) decried the grandstanding of politicians.. and said other stuff that normally would make sense. if only it didn't come from somebody who was holding a grenade and who was armed with several machine guns.. while in a bus full of innocent kids.

but the crazy story does not end here. you know what's more hilarious? it's the hostage-taker's family crying on tv.. telling everybody that they were "hurt" because people were calling their father insane. DUH!??! people.. the man just took a busload of kids hostage! it doesn't matter if he claims he never intended to harm them. he had ammunition in that bus! with innocent kids! how dare you complain about being "hurt" that we call your father crazy. what the f*** do you expect us to do? congratulate him on being a "humanitarian"?!?! if that's the case, then insanity certainly runs in your family.

even crazier are the politicians who come to the defense of ducat. i could not believe it when bong revilla told the media that ducat had valid concerns that he wanted to air.. that he knew the man to be kind, blah blah blah. YEAH RIGHT.

what the hell is going on in this country?! this ducat person already took hostages last 1988 (two priests?!).. because he wanted the public to know of the alleged corruption in his church! yet he's here.. scot free.. taking hostages again. and people are still debating on whether he should be punished or not. "the kids were not harmed anyway.." "ducat is a good person.." "everybody knows the issues he's raising are valid.." "the children loved him.. they even kissed him on the cheek as they left the bus.." "we're not going to press charges.. ducat is a kind man.." "it's the government's fault.." and on and on goes the unbelievable statements from various interviewees. how hilarious is this?!!?!?!?

apparently, this country is not going to the dogs. it's already been eaten up and sh*tted out. grr.

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