Wednesday, January 24, 2007

book hunting

i got an email update from national bookstore today so i browsed through their website ( to see what interesting books i may find. haha. talk about being a geeky bookworm wahahaha! even online i just *have* to look for good reads. anyway, here are some of the titles that interest me..

FREAKONOMICS by steven levitt & stephen dubner
i dunno.. i guess i kinda need to understand why some things happen.. and how they happen, and so on. it's a book about wanting.. and how to get what you want. hahaha.. so is it any wonder why this interested me?!? :p

FRAGILE THINGS by neil gaiman
the second book of short story collections (the first was smoke & mirrors). well, i'm a neil gaiman freak.. so this needs no further explanation hahaha.

THE LADIES OF GRACE ADIEU by susanna clarke
i got interested when i read the book's description. it's like a dark fantasy thing.. which i'm soooo into right now. fits my mood, i suppose.. so there :p

FOR ONE MORE DAY by mitch albom
i loved 'tuesday with morrie' even though it was such a tear-jerker. i liked 'the five people you meet in heaven' too.. so it's kinda expected that i'd look forward to reading this. after all, it does seem like an interesting read. what would you do if you could spend one more day with a loved one you lost..?

THE WORLD IS FLAT by thomas friedman
ok, so i really have a geeky side. i'm curious by nature hahaha. and i've always been interested in the sciences.. even though recently i've mostly been using my literary/musical side. this looks promising :)

so there. my list of books to hunt down (and save up for!). *sigh* i seriously need to get additional shelf space..

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