Saturday, November 25, 2006

that disturbingly quiet calm

"shot through the heart and you're to blame.. you give love a bad name "

this past week has been W-E-I-R-D. it's been a series of unfortunate events. sunday and monday of silence.. tuesday when my car broke down (with that matching traffic i caused at C5 and the towtruck adventrue).. wednesday when i lost half my soul (i think.. i dunno.. i don't want to dwell on this too much).. dad's thursday challenge.. and yesterday's deja vu trip to the ER. sheesh.

i just went home right now to update my blog and to freshen up a bit. dad's still at the hospital.. he's actually quite fine (all tests are normal); but nobody could yet explain his intermittent dizzy spells. hmm. might be fatigue or stress. i dunno.

i'm not that harassed, actually. i'm feeling quite calm. but it's that weird kind of calm. the disturbingly quiet solitude you feel when you're in denial. he gave me a lot of things to think about that i don't want to. not one at a time. and definitely not all at once.

i'm gonna need the full range of the alphabet to face up to the challenge. but right now, the most important letters have gone hiding. darnit.

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