Monday, August 28, 2006

on happiness

i like this picture. it's grey and melancholic.. but when i look at it, it makes me think about happiness.

my thoughts on the subject? well, i think happiness is much like a dandelion in your hand. you may *think* you have it.. and yeah, a lot of times, you do. but the question is, for how long?

a slight breeze may come and soon you'll see your happiness dandelion flying away into a million tiny pieces.. blown by the wind.

but hold on to it too tight.. and you'll just end up with a crushed weed. nothing that even slightly resembles the delicate "flower" you wanted to hang on to, in the first place.

the phrase "happy in the meantime" is so appropriate. but it doesn't mean it doesn't suck. *sigh* it's crazy how, even when you're happy, you can never be *totally* happy..

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