Saturday, June 21, 2008

not me

this bottle kept me going from morning 'til afternoon. seriously.

it's the first day of the gss, and i woke up early to get to rfm by 8am. given the sort of stressful day i had yesterday, it was kinda difficult to drag myself off of my bed.. but it had to be done :(

i didn't have much time to eat.. so i only had a few spoonfuls of breakfast before i had to leave the house.

when i got to rfm, i had to set up the recorder, instruct bro ed to take some pictures and put together some last minute stuff for our meeting with the council. haha. it was a crazy morning, all right XP

soulmate and i went to the nearby 7-11 to discuss the print media plans with the council and the admin assistants. we ordered some snacks so that we could sit there for the meeting, hehe. i had siopao and a bottle of blue virgin soda.

and that's practically all i had the entire afternoon too, hahaha.

sheesh. siopao and blue virgin. my food for today.

if you ask me who's happy.. who's satisfied.. who's not complaining... who's not hungry.. who's not thirsty.. who's well rested.. i have only one answer:


darnit. i still hate having to wait.. X(

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