Thursday, January 24, 2008

potted woksie

hahahaha. i had a blast at school today :D

first of all, i thoroughly enjoyed the honor roll committee work. haha. i think i was born to do those kinds of things - cross-checking of files, encoding, etc. - in short, i think i have a natural flair for clerical work :p i'm glad that we had our first *really* productive session today. hahaha. it's amusing to find myself smiling again :)

i took a break from all that work, though.. and chatted with noisy aliens :p and i remembered a creepy thought that friends jewo & pawo planted in my brain: what if they literally planted me in a pot.. and small "mini-me's" grew like tiny buds all over me? and those buds would detach like spores.. to be scattered all around the school's quadrangle? and they could just pick tiny versions of me (with squeeky voices crying "put me down! put me down!").. place them in their pockets.. so they can ask my "mini-me's" questions on trigonometry while taking their exams. hahahahaha. creepy, creepy thought.

well, time sure flew today. i didn't even notice that it was already past 6pm when i left school. hahahaha. i think the thought of potted woksies that haunted me as i was encoding those grades had something to do with this..

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