Wednesday, November 05, 2008

through the looking glass darkly

for someone so ordinary-looking and invisible, i think i pull off my 'dark secret' quite well, hahaha *evil laugh*

most people are surprised when they see the variety of reading material i go through. one day i'm reading inspirational books.. the next, crime stories.. then children's material.. geeky texts.. trivia books.. etc. and yeah, i'm aware of the fact that my taste in reading material is quite eclectic. the book/magazine/comic/whatever i read (not to mention the genre) really depends on my mood.

so it baffles me when some friends are disconcerted with my choice of reading material. inspirational readings, romantic novels and standard pocketbooks do not illicit any responses from them. but they see me with a graphic novel or a book titled '100 crooked little crime stories' and immediately, their eyebrows shoot up. oh well..

my latest read is zenescope entertainment's graphic novel, return to wonderland. it's a different take on lewis caroll's alice in wonderland; rather, it *continues* the story. alice, who left wonderland, grows up and raises a family. soon, though, the madness of wonderland (which is so much different from the safe and tame version we are used to) catches up with her, and drags her family into chaos.

return to wonderland is the stuff of nightmares. it's scary, dark and disturbing. and i loved it. not because it's depressing.. but because it makes me think. there are a lot of lessons to be learned in reading it. heck, i learned a lot of things i already knew but didn't even know i knew (hahaha.. go figure. wonderland madness is catching)

next project: grimm's fairy tale comics.. :p

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