Saturday, May 24, 2008

looking for teddy

this has been an 'active' saturday for me. unusually so.. haha
i was supposed to sing at the post LSS module this afternoon at st paul. our group was assigned to serve there at 1pm. anyway, i started driving to makati by 12nn. i figured i'd have lots of time to spare. saturday traffic is usually light, after all.

i didn't count on friend lilian being late, though. she wasn't able to leave her seminar earlier.. so i found myself stuck in shaw traffic at 12.50pm. no way i'd make it to st paul by 1pm. so i decided to just head back home. sayang lang ang gasolina ko kung tumuloy pa ako. after all, we'd be singing for only what.. 5mins?! i'd definitely not make it on time X(

anyway. i asked mom & dad if they wanted to watch a movie again. after all, there's only about a week's worth of summer vacation left. i might as well make the most out of it, haha. i wanted to watch indiana jones (i *really* like harrison ford, hahaha) - so i bought tickets at gateway on my way home.

so we watched the movie (we took the 7.10pm sked) as soon as the house chores were done (yes, it IS a saturday - weekends are for laundry and other stuff, hahaha). we thoroughly enjoyed the time in the theater (i know i did hahaha). i'm glad i went to the movies again - though maybe for a slightly different reason XP

frankly though, at this time, i need a hug. oh.. nothing grandiose or flashy. just a soft, warm hug. somebody to cuddle up to. hahahaha. NO i still have no plans of getting a 'special someone' in my life. i don't need that right now. but i do want a hug. really. *sigh*

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