Saturday, May 24, 2008


emo time, hahahaha XP

er. wow. look at the time. hahaha. well, as usual, i can't sleep. maybe it's the caffeine (hello starbux coffee.. nyahahaha). maybe it's all the buZZZing inside my head. maybe it's the crime show that's on tv right now. or maybe it's just my insomnia acting up again. whatever the reason, well, i'm still up. wide awake and desperate for sleep.

so. it's usually at this time of day (night?!) that in spite of myself, i experience my 'emo' side hahahaha. i can't help it, darnit. i don't even know what the heck there is to be all emo about. *sigh* i'm not really sad. and i'm not despairing or anything. and if ever i wear black, it's not because i plan to be dramatic or goth-like. i just happen to love the (non) color XP besides, black makes me look slimmer, bwahahaha.

oh well. i guess i'll just make the most out of the next couple of hours of wakefulness.. *sigh*

wish you were here..

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