Saturday, December 22, 2007

unending eat-outs

another eat-out for the family today. sheesh. december certainly is a month of lunches and dinners, hahaha! i think i'm going to need to walk off all the additional pounds i'm about to gain this season :( anyway. we ate at serye quezon circle. "we" being mom, dad, my three cousins, tito joe, tita amy, tito lui, ninang and i. that's practically the entire family, velasquez side haha :p

after the lunch, it was pictures galore for everybody, haha. wow. imagine having photo-ops at quezon circle!! nyahaha. we looked like a bunch of tourists (or promdis!!!), it was kinda embarrassing. but fun. hahahaha.

it's been consecutive days of fun :D this is really nice. *really* nice. i hope this season turns pink soon..

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