Tuesday, December 11, 2007

mellow dramatics

so many things happened today that i can still literally feel my head spin. ouch.

am still on the verge of vertigo (nyahaha) due to extreme sleep deprivation. but i have no complaints. in spite of my paranoia.. and in spite of the fact that i missed choir prax yet again.. this day was fun :p

the fildrama class presented their play earlier today.. and since i promised the 08 people i'd watch, i did. hahaha. they gave a nice performance. there were lots of funny moments in the show. and lots more controversial scenes, bwahaha. i actually enjoyed watching them. nice work, guys :D

right after the show, i had lunch with friend 'winnie' (haha). then, we went to the other building for a free eye refraction (project of our health dept). there was such a long line that we literally spent hours chatting and bonding before we could have our eyes checked. oh well. honestly, i didn't mind the waiting part 'coz i felt i really needed to just have time alone with a friend. i wasn't feeling all that "uppity" (haha.. i never really do).. and i didn't know if i wanted to cry, laugh, rant or do all that at the same time. hmmm. i guess sleep deprivation, monthly cycles, stress and variable problems can do that to an alien.

by 5pm, i had to attend the grade level pta meeting. that went quite well.. although not too many parents turned up. hmm. doesn't matter. at least we were able to discuss and decide on the important stuff - namely, the breakdown of expenses for parents of senior students.

i originally planned to leave the meeting by 6pm so i could catch up and go to choir prax in makati. but i decided against it coz.. well.. given the past days' events and the importance of our agenda, i knew i couldn't leave. surprisingly, that didn't bother me too much. in fact, i could say it didn't bother me at all. hahaha. i think i'm undergoing some kind of metamorphosis. hmm. i wonder what kind of alien i'll turn into in my next phase bwahaha.

anyway. i'm tired. very tired. i don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow.. and i don't give a sh*t. hahahahaha. this is so weird in an eerily happy way..

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