Sunday, August 19, 2007

rubik and his magic cube

it's only today that i found out that there's such a thing as a rubik's professor cube. nyahaha. naturally i discovered it via my favorite cousin (who's sort of gone out of hiding - but only to a couple of people, i think). sheesh. i haven't even tried solving an ordinary rubik's cube (i don't have the patience.. nor the skill, i think, haha).. and he's probably halfway through solving this one. nyahaha. well, i'm content being a simple observer. i'd like to see him try to complete his cube :p

anyway. speaking of puzzles. as i mentioned earlier, i'm not good at them. not the mathematical types. not the mechanical/psychomotor types. not the "needs even just a bit of manipulation" types. practically the only puzzles i'm good at are logic, code and crossword puzzles, haha. that doesn't mean, however, that i am not fascinated by puzzles. on the contrary, i love going to puzzle shops. if i could, i'd probably buy all those colorful or metallic puzzles in hobbes & landes. except that i always get frustrated coz i never really get to solve 'em, haha.

well. life's full of puzzles - of the "crossword/logic" and "rubik's cube" type. these past weeks, i've been plagued with all sorts of puzzles. some were those types of unexpected challenges that i really welcome. some were of the type that i sought out. and there were those few that left me extremely frustrated and stressed out.

bit by bit, though, some light shines through. oh, i'm not saying i'm not the least bit frustrated/disappointed/impatient. i think i forever will be the fidgety kind, haha. but at the moment, i'm happy :) and i'm kinda grateful for *everything* that's come my way :p i'm learning to appreciate the seemingly unsolvable puzzles i encounter. 'coz they teach me to wait. to be patient. to change. to adapt. to grow :)

things do have a way of working out.. especially when you try your best to think happy thoughts.

but i still don't think i'm up to solving that 5x5x5 rubik's cube, nyahahaha..

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