Tuesday, August 28, 2007

getting enough Zzz's

finally!! after a long, long, long, long, long... long time, i've been able to get enough sleep :D hahaha. today i woke up at the very late hour of 9:20am. ahhhh.. such a luxury for the perenially sleep-deprived! :)

well, i guess i can afford to sleep in. today we're supposed to have monday schedule for classes. and every monday, i meet my two grade 10 sections. but today, too, all upis seniors will be taking their ncae's.. so i wouldn't be having math10 classes today. ergo, i do not have any math class today. woohoo!! :p

it's not that i don't enjoy math. i do. (er.. at the risk of sounding über-nerdy do i come forward with this confession, haha) but i enjoy vacations, too. and i especially enjoy catching my zzz.. so i guess you could say today is still a happy non-math day, haha :)

*ho hum* midday and i'm feeling sleepy again. looks like my title's all wrong. apparently, i can't get enough zzz's.. :p

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