Thursday, January 22, 2009


i wonder where sam gets all these pictures..

hmm. i'm not exactly sure if this is applicable to me. hahaha. well, considering that i don't have a 'significant other' right now, maybe it is XP

i'm not going to lie and say that i'm not searching for that 'special someone.' what girl doesn't want to have a guy who'll love her unconditionally and treat her like a queen? and yes, i do miss getting hugs and kisses. and lots and lots of hugs. and sweet nothings. i miss getting calls at night, going out on dates or just spending some quiet alone time.. all those cheesy stuff that couples do. complete with those googly-eyed looks. especially since february's drawing near (yep. S.A.D. is nearing once again!)

honestly, though.. i know i haven't found him (nor has he found me) 'coz i'm quite sure i'm not yet ready. oh, i'm definitely old enough - chronologically speaking, that is. but emotionally.. nah. i've got quite a number of tangles and unresolved issues. i don't think it's fair to drag anyone else into this mess i'm in, hahaha XP

oh well. maybe someday i'll lose my powers of invisibility. or at least, have the ability to turn it on/off at will..

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