Thursday, December 21, 2006

wrapper therapy

spent the greater part of the day in therapy. hahaha. nope, i didn't go to a shrink or anything. i just spent hours locked up in my room.. making gift bags out of wrapping paper.

there's something really soothing about doing repetitive stuff. oh, you know.. those things that require almost no thought at all. yup.. i love making those gift bags. i get to use my pagka-OC while i train my wandering mind to focus on making neat creases :p hahaha. it's about as close to a 'zen moment' as i could get.

and really.. i need as much 'zen time' as i could get. this month is *really* stressing me out. wake me up when december ends.

i can't wait for january to come..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there's something really soothing about doing repetitive stuff.

your/our minds compensate for all the thinking we do, for all the teaching you do and for all the learning that i do. hahaha nag-wrapper therapy din ako para sa exchange gift therapy ng klase namin hahahaha.

i miss you!

happy holidays. mwahugssss!