Monday, January 30, 2006

yayy for banana!!!

as you all know, i am a self-confessed bookworm :p i just *love* books. for the past months, though, i have not been able to really enjoy a good read. partly due to the hectic sked in the choir and at school; but mainly because of uhm.. other 'issues' distracting me.

nowadays, though, i feel the need to immerse myself in a good book. just to get my mind to think of other things. to let my thoughts wander off in a different direction. so yesterday i went to visit powerbooks mega with bfl after lunch. hmmm. i know a lot of girls go gaga shopping for clothes and accessories (ok, ok.. *sometimes* that happens to me.. when the mood sets in hehe). that time, though, i felt that *exact* same thing happen to me inside the bookstore. i couldn't help it. the temptation to buy all those great books!!! hehehe. i could feel my mouth water at the thought of *finally* being able to read again, hehehe.

i was in the mood for something different. not your usual romance novel (i've never been fond of those anyway), detective/spy story (sometimes they bore me) or sci-fi/fantasy plot (it gets predictable, after a while). i was looking for something contemporary.. with a touch of surrealism (hahaha. surreal. that's been a favorite word these past weeks :p).

my eyes fell on a familiar word: banana. and i wondered, "how could anyone write a book about bananas?!" hahaha. turns out 'banana' was the author's name :p quirky, hehehe. ok, call me crazy.. but if only for that, i bought the book. and it *definitely* was worth the P459.00 i spent for it, hehehe :p

banana yoshimoto's "asleep" is a wonderful read. it contains three different stories that actually blend into one. as the title implies, it is a book about sleep.. in all its different forms. (you might want to click on the link to see the book review) i really had fun reading the book. i couldn't put it down! took me only a little over 2 hours to finish :p

a truly great read. i can't wait to buy another 'banana' book :p

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