Sunday, January 15, 2006

moral of the story

can't read the toon? here it is:

The Question: Explain the saying: 'The early bird gets the worm.'
Introduction: The adage succintly expresses the priceless wisdom of our forefathers and is still relevant in today's rapidly changing world.
Body: It teaches us the importance of getting up late. The poor worm was devoured ONLY because it woke up early.
Conclusion: Moral: Waking up early can be fatal.

it's true that "the early bird gets the worm" - but as in most things, there are always two sides to a story. in short, good for the bird.. bad for the worm :p

this is just one of the reasons why i *hate* waking up so early.. hahaha.

time to make another batch of exams for this week. darn. when will i ever get in the mood to do *anything*?!

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