Saturday, January 28, 2006


i just got home from choir practice and friday night 'gimick' with bfl and cousins almi and doms. ok, so technically it's already saturday.. but it still feels like it's friday.. so there :p

choir practice was.. hmm.. how shall i put it.. tense?! haha. cdr made us sing quartets of 'plenty good room' (a gospel-style song we recently studied). it was the one song i haven't memorized or taken to heart completely. and it was really difficult for me to stand in front of cdr while my mind was racing to remember the words, the dynamics and the choreography (yes.. the choreo!! sheesh!). thankfully, he didn't notice the numerous mistakes i made, hehehe (or perhaps cdr just chose to ignore them - naawa na siguro sa 'kin haha).

so it was no wonder that afterwards, we were all famished. bfh wasn't available for gimik, as she had a dinner to attend; so it was just the four of us - i, bfl and cuzes. we had dinner at good earth (metrowalk) and boy, were we stuffed!! yummy lemon chicken and roast pork with szechuan veggies. oh.. and i liked the iced green tea.. as well as the wanton noodle soup. hmm. should've taken pics to post here. oh well.

we walked around the vicinity for a while.. just to help our digestion, hehe. but since it was getting late, we left metrowalk by 11.45pm. brought cousin almi to philcoa (her dad picked her up there).. and bfl to her place.. and cuz dom and i finally headed home.

it's been a long day.. but it ended well.. on the next, hehe :p tgif.. and that tomorrow (rather, later) we don't have choir prax. tired yet still wide awake. hmm. and i didn't even get my caffeine fix for the day. haha. i'd better get ready for my trip to lala-land. zzzzzzzzzzz..

PS: hmm. i never did get to ask the reason for the change of sked. oh heck.. who cares?! i'll sleep in tomorrow.. er.. later, that is :p

1 comment:

rokel said...

yes i am.. albeit a struggling one..