Tuesday, May 09, 2006

today is tomorrow

hahahaha. this will probably be the looooongest day i'll ever go through. a dizzying spiral of a day. *sigh* what's up? hmm. ok here goes:

1. last night (or more accurately, *early* this morning) i got to sleep around 1am. i've been racking my brains for a mom's day article for our church's newsletter. unfortunately, i ran out of creative juices. more unfortunately, my brain couldn't stop thinking.. hence, i could not sleep.

2. i woke up 4.30am - much against my will, hehe. but it did me good.. i had an hour or so to slowly wake myself up - so i could start working on my article hehe :p

3. started my article already - hopefully i'll be done by 6.30am. er.. that is, i *have* to finish it by 6.30am or my extremely tight sked today will be disrupted because..

4. i have to leave by 7.30am to get to my 8am lecture for LSC (at ISO, ateneo). this will be my first math lecture for LSC this summer. great. i have not yet prepared for this. i just hope my mind can handle all those word problems hahaha :p

5. from ateneo i'll have to drive to ortigas for my 1-5pm classes. that's fine with me 'coz i enjoy teaching the kids, anyway. however..

6. we have choir practice from 6-7.30pm in makati. another long drive for me. (darn it.. all this driving is making me miserably poor) *sigh* hopefully the traffic will be light.

7. as if my sked isn't hectic enough, we have recording (for our christmas CD) from 8pm onwards (i say "onwards" 'coz we never really know what time we'll be done. we usually go home around 12am). i sure hope we finish early tonight. i really need to get some sleep.

so there. my day has barely started and yet i've already lived through it in my mind. hahaha. tomorrow is today.. or today is tomorrow. whatever. i gotta get this article done asap..

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