Tuesday, May 23, 2006

"spot da deferens" :p

hehehe. just thought i'd post this pic from our LSS last sunday :p that's me with soulmate A and sanny.. along with sis chris & sis carol :)

seeing this picture reminded me that i am quite "magnetically weird" as friend oviler once mentioned, haha :p the closer you are to me, the weirder you probably are, hahaha.

hmmm. let's see how well you know me. if you look closely at my pic, you'll notice something different :) haha. as far as i know, only two people ever notice that about me. then again, like i told soulmate A, i am near-invisible. hence, nobody really spots the difference..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh believe me, soulmate---there is a VASt DEFERENS! bwahahahaha :) you know, parang FONS MEDALLA :D sheesh, now people will know how really weird we are together. - A