Thursday, July 17, 2008

positively constant

i'm not afraid of variables. at least, not in math XP in fact, i happen to like them. especially those x's and y's (though to be honest, i love z the most, hehe).

but much as i like variables, constants hold a special place in my (mathematical) heart hahaha. my favorites are pi and the imaginary number i (i seem to be drawn to imaginary stuff, huh?). then of course, there's that weird constant that's a combination of all my favorites: e^i*pi (which, in case you don't know, happens to be an integer! click here for more details)

anyway. i am in a relatively good mood today. i liked the questions i was able to make for my geometry classes haha XP they're a bit tricky.. and some are quite difficult.. but hey, i can't help it if i get a kick out of solving math problems XP

oh.. and before i end this post.. i just want to say that this is *not* a simple geeky blog entry :D
you're still my most favorite constant.. :X

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a *bit* geeky... Variables, constants, integers... careful or you'll get hooked on imaginary numbers and vectors.