Friday, April 06, 2007

blurry mess

spent some time today fixing up my room. well, not exactly. to be more accurate, i spent several *minutes* tidying up my tiny closet - stuffing long unused (unwanted) clothes, old bags and shoes and other knick knacks into plastic bags for disposal. my room's a mess. a blurry mess. and i'm kinda fine with it at the moment.

i'm a bit OC; so it's weird that i'm not that bothered with my mess right now. but i figured that i'm making some headway.. and cleaning up everything is going to be a slow, arduous process and i can't expect to have everything all neat and tidy in just a day (er.. minutes). so with some satisfaction, i closed the door to my sanctuary.. leaving it a tad bit less messy.. yet still very much disorganized. ha. to hell with organization. neatness is overrated. nyahahahaha.

got an email from cousin "apples" today.. and i had fun reading her blog. hahaha. she's right on so many counts; but my favorite was the one about wise estheticians :p hahaha. too bad i don't have any monthly appointment for waxing and stuff nyahahaha. maybe i'd better hunt around for one - and pick up some words of wisdom along the way.. >:p

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