Saturday, February 10, 2007

depends on who "you" is

back to pon & zi picture posts for me (for the meantime, at least). hmm. so far this saturday is turning out fine. i slept quite late (er.. "early" that is) last night - around 1am i think. it's been a while since i've done that.. but it *does* feel goooood! :p hahahahaha. i had a good night's sleep - dreamt of nice things.. the kind you forget upon waking, but nevertheless still enable you to feel sorta happy.. that kind of dreams.

right now i'm getting ready to tutor my tutee (is there really such a word?!) - just a couple of stones' throw away from our house. it's been a while since i've gone to her place, too.

hahaha. it's funny how there seem to be a lof of "it's been a while"s for me :p and it's also weird how my mind works.. and how powerful dreams (as well as imagination, visualization, or whatever heck you call it) truly are. hmmm. just some minor modifications next time.. and things will be back to a-ok.. wahahahahaha.

oh.. and by the way, the title is grammatically correct hahahaha :)

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