Tuesday, March 07, 2006

yearning for bean soup

"The price of getting what you want is getting what you once wanted."
- dream country, "midsummer night's dream"

got this line from the 3rd volume of the sandman graphic novel collection. wise words.

why is it so difficult to know what we want in life? we tell ourselves, "if only i get promoted.." or "if only i had the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend.." or "if only i had tons of money then i'd *really* be happy.." yeah, right.

we work so hard to get what we think we want in life. we take unreasonable risks.. do whatever it takes to get to where we think we want to be. we jostle, we back-stab, we discard time-h0nored beliefs, and do all sorts of crazy things.. just so we can have the object of our desire within our grasp. and what happens when we *finally* get hold of what we've pined for all this time? we find out that it isn't exactly what we wanted, after all. it's the wrong shape, wrong color, wrong size or wrong texture. too late, we realize that we've traded our inheritance for the proverbial lentil stew (gen 25:34).

am i happy right now? yes, i believe i am. am i content? hmm. i don't know. do i know what i want?i most certainly DO NOT! hahahaha :p oh well. i'm fine with that for now. i think i'm going to take my sweet time finding out *exactly* what it is i want.. lest i start trading away my life for a bowl of bean soup.

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