Friday, February 13, 2009

geeky + romantic = sierpinski

.. tomorrow XP

yeah i know. it's a day before valentine's day. but everyone else seems to be in 'valentine' mode today. sheesh. surprisingly though, i'm not too affected. i mean.. i don't feel sappy, nor do i feel bitter (naks!). i'm just.. hmm.. er.. amused..?! hehehe..

i was actually planning to celebrate today. because it's friday the 13th. and that is one of my favorite er.. days (not 'occasion' or 'holiday' because it's neither). i was supposed to go hunting for black cats, leaning ladders and broken mirrors. or, alternatively, four-leafed clovers and rabbits' feet (obviously for luck). but i never got 'round to it because the valentine spirit was so pervasive. oh. and i had my geeky book, too. so combining the effects of those two.. i forgot to celebrate my happy friday the 13th day XP

and it seems as if there won't be any saturday the 14th celebration either.. (awww)

oh well. there's always tomorrow. and the next day. and the next.. hehehe :D i can't wait for a "post" celebration. sorry i can't make it tomorrow. next time, though.. *hug*

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