Monday, December 22, 2008


here are more pix from our vera-perez caroling this evening

i like our uniform for the caroling. it's bright, flashy and happy. in short, it's so unlike me.. hahahaha.. XP

seems like as christmas draws nearer, my days get busier. i spent my entire morning (and most of my afternoon) wrapping christmas presents for my relatives. i helped my dad with his presents, too (i seem to be the only one in the family who gets a kick out of wrapping stuff hehe). by the time heids picked me up to go to the vera-perez place, i had little energy left.

but i dunno.. i think singing has a way of lifting my spirit. or heck, maybe it's just the makeup hahaha. whatever the reason, by the time we were at the venue, i was feeling a whole lot better. quite hyper, even, hehe.

'mother lily' (the real one, nyahahaha) was there. but being near-clueless about local celebrities/stars, i didn't even recognize her. hahaha. in spite of the er.. (famous?) personalities present, i wasn't starstruck. *sigh* i was, instead, struck by something else, totally (but that's another story.. another blog post altogether) jeez. i think there really is something wrong with me.. XP
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tonight is our last caroling night for 2008. and before leaving the place, i realized that today would be the last time i'd see my friends before christmas. our next activity will be on the 27th (practice). quite unexpectedly, i felt saddened by the thought. hah. weird. totally weird.

nevertheless, i'm grateful for the silver lining that presented itself to me just before going home :) haha. christmas really is a season for hope.. ;) thanx. that was *really* unexpected.. but i'm soooooo grateful for that. you don't know how much i needed that today.. :D *hugs*

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