Sunday, December 21, 2008

what's a 'threshold'?

click here for the complete album of pix :)

ok, so it's been a *really* long sunday. but i don't mind. not so much. i didn't expect to enjoy the christmas holiday.. but with all the caroling activities, i find that i am getting quite excited :p

the sunday mass wasn't very eventful; but due to some.. er.. circumstances, i didn't really feel too happy this morning. so, as is usually the case, i went around the mall for some therapeutic shopping (it was a last-minute christmas shopping spree, ok?). that helped cheer me up a bit. so that by the time i went off to valle verde 4 for the caroling, i was my uh.. 'normal' self (as the term 'normal' so loosely applies to me, that is, haha).

what really made my day, though, was a simple acknowledgement. hmm. how 'bout that? whoever said "sticks and stones may hurt my bones; but words will never hurt me" sure was an idiot, hahaha. in my case, sticks and stones may hurt my bones; but a few simple words can always 'heal' me :)

guess i can say i'm at the threshold of something i'm not exactly sure i want to cross..
now why can't you always be this decent? *sigh* i'll pretend not to notice the blatant manipulation..

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