Monday, November 03, 2008

i need a name for my 'baby'

i've been itching to buy this for the past month.. and yesterday, i finally got up enough courage to do so..

i got myself a fujitsu external hard drive - 300Gb. it's shiny and sleek and black and.. er.. just a bit geeky, hehe XP but of course it *is* a practical gadget too. especially for me. and though the price (P5,300+) left quite a hole in my pocket (which is actually the cause of my prevarication these past weeks).. i think it's worth it XD i am planning to put all my important files (classified as "school/work", "choir/music", "newsletter/archives" and "personal") in my new "baby" so i wouldn't get all confused as i shift from using silvee to my home PC.

of course, i haven't actually gotten 'round to organizing my files. i only realized how much clutter i have in my home desktop on the last day of my sem break. sheesh. so i guess the file organizing will have to wait a couple more days. just so i'll have more freedom to unleash my OCness haha XP

incidentally, i get the feeling i'm going to have to name him soon - my hard drive, that is. unlike my home PC (which, obviously, has no name - i wonder why), i feel compelled to dub my new "baby" hahaha XP any suggestions..? XP erm. this feels awkward haha XP

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my, it, sorry, he, is rather beautiful...

I'd go with Greek god names like Apollo.