Friday, June 08, 2007

unexpected flowers

ok.. so this day didn't exactly turn out the way i expected. i thought it would all go wrong. i thought everything would be disastrous (especially given the mood i was in last night). but it didn't.

i guess talking to friend mich helped put things in perspective. nothing like bigger mountains to make your own seem like molehills. *sigh* at first, i felt really, really bad. hearing your friend's problems sure can sap your strength and what remaining happiness you have left. but when i thought about it a bit longer, i realized that i could still smile and be grateful. at least i'm not in her shoes. yet.

cousin doms helped lots too.. with his carefree attitude and matter-of-fact way of thinking. that's why when we got to choir prax tonight, my mood was a lot lighter than i ever expected it to be. and all the negative stuff inside my head was reduced to mere whispers i could more or less ignore.

and everything else was 'flowery' from there :)

so yeah, i guess you could say i'm 'happy' right now. not *really* happy. but i'm not one to complain. not right now, at least.

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